“Ready for BioData Management?: Data Stewardship for Life Sciences Training Program” | Introductory Course 2022 - Part I

Training Data Stewards for the life sciences

“Ready for BioData Management?: Data Stewardship for Life Sciences Training Program” | Introductory Course 2022 - Part I

BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, in collaboration with several other organizations has designed a program to train the first generation of Data Stewards for the life sciences, to support the implementation of data management, o

“Ready for BioData Management?: Data Stewardship for Life Sciences Training Program” | Call for applications

Training Data Stewards for the life sciences BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, in collaboration with several other organizations has designed a program to train the first generation of Data Stewards for the life sciences, to support the implementation of data management, open science and FAIR data principles in Portuguese R&I organizations.