| ELIXIR PT Information Technologies Specialist – ELIXIR-CONVERGE - Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services/INFRADEV-03-2019/Ref: 871075 and ELIXIR Commissioned Services


INESC-ID - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa is a R&D institute dedicated to advanced research and development in the fields of Information Technologies, Electronics, Communications, and Energy. INESC-ID has participated in more than 50 research projects funded by the European Union and more than 190 funded by national entities. Until today, our researchers have published more than 700 papers in international journal papers, more than 3000 papers in international conferences, and have registered 15 patents and/or brands.


This opening of this position corresponds to a fixed-term employment contract within the scope of the project | ELIXIR PT Information Technologies Specialist – ELIXIR-CONVERGE - Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services/INFRADEV-03-2019/Ref: 871075 and ELIXIR Commissioned Services funded by Horizon 2020 under the following conditions:



12 months, starting in August, 2021

Renewable, subject to suitable performance within the period of the project, not exceeding the maximum period set for this type of contract – 2 years (included contract renewals)



A fixed term contract will be celebrated according to the Portuguese Labour Code in force - Lei n.º 7/2009 (vg. art. 140º, n. 1 and n. 2, al. g), art. 148º, n. 1 and art. 149º, n. 2, 3 and 4)


Monthly Amount

The Employee is entitled, prior to any deductions or withholdings, to a monthly pay of 1 414.59€ (One thousand four hundred and fourteen euros and fifty nine cents), working in an exclusive dedication basis.

The monthly pay, vacation and Christmas shall be paid by bank transfer.



The selected candidate will join | ELIXIR PT, the Portuguese Infrastructure of Biological Data and the Portuguese node of ELIXIR - European Distributed Infrastructure for Biological Data. The successful applicant will ensure the implementation, delivery and management of | ELIXIR PT compute infrastructure services, namely to implement the ELIXIR PT health and life sciences ecosystems, among other services, through the collaborative development and execution of the | ELIXIR PT technical strategy. This professional will manage information technology (IT) and computer systems within the limits of | ELIXIR PT requirements, plan, organize, control and evaluate its services. More specifically, the selected candidate is expected to:

● Advance contribution to ELIXIR-Converge, particularly work packages 1, 3 and 7 (Data management network of experts, Data management toolkit and EGA).

● Advance contribution to ELIXIR Beacon and Federated Human Data implementation studies, entwined with ELIXIR-Converge.

● Collaborate in the provision of services and training in topics related to data management, computing and Beacon and EGA, among other related topics.

● Work in the implementation of the Portuguese Node of the European Genome Phenome Archive, under the supervision of | ELIXIR PT and ELIXIR experts.

● Build and manage the Platform of Biological Information, in collaboration with the team.

● Maintain the Compute Node Service and lead and manage compute service provision.

● Support the use of ELIXIR resources by the Portuguese research community.

● Participate in | ELIXIR PT and ELIXIR platforms and projects.

● Provide computing support to the | ELIXIR PT team.

● Administer High Performance Computing servers and virtualization platforms SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISION


The contract activity will be supervised by Alexandre Francisco researcher at INESC-ID.

The employee will be integrated in the INESC-ID team.


Eligibility Conditions- Required education Level and research experience


The candidate should have a BSc degree Informatics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology or related technical fields, with:

● Knowledge and skills in Computer Science and Data Science.

● Expertise as systems administrator and manager of IT infrastructure and services.

● Knowledge of switching, firewalls and server/storage hardware.

● Basic knowledge of scripting (e.g., bash, powershell) and task automation.

● Knowledge in data center management and data governance, enterprise backup and recovery procedures.

● Knowledge of full stack development, devops and systems integration.

● Experience working with biological data.

● Knowledge in the configuration and optimization of services in Linux systems, namely in High Performance Computing.

● Knowledge in programming (e.g. Python).

● Knowledge of networks (including administration and installation, firewalls, TCP/IP) and databases (e.g.: SQL Server, MySQL).

● Knowledge of biological or biomedical sciences.

● Interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal.

● Ability to articulate ideas to both technical and non-technical audiences.

● Interpersonal and teamwork skills.

● Autonomy and sense of responsibility.


Required language skills: proficiency in English.


Evaluation criteria and avaliation committee 

The selection will be based on the following criteria:

1. 40%: CV analysis

2. 40%: Professional experience related to the role

(These two criteria will rank the candidates, the top 3 will be interviewed)

3. 20%: Discussion of a one-pager for implementing the role in | ELIXIR PT


The jury may also decide not to assign the position, if none of candidates meets the required conditions.

The jury is composed of:


Mário Gaspar da Silva

Full Professor

INESC ID | Técnico ULisboa



Ana Portugal Melo

Executive Director | ELIXIR PT



Alexandre Francisco

Associate Professor

INESC ID | Técnico ULisboa


Substitute Member

Ana Teresa Freitas

Full Professor



Substitute Member

Isabel Rocha




Substitute Member

Ricardo Leite

Head of Genomics Unit

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência


Complain and appeal deadlines and procedures

The jury has the faculty not to select a candidate who does not prove the requirements mentioned in required education Level and research experience

The admitted and excluded candidates will be notified by email of the final ranking list, including the copy of the Preliminary Report of the jury.

Prior Hearing and Deadline for Final Decision: After being notified, candidates have 10 working days to submit, if applicable, a formal rebuttal.

 After that period, the jury notifies the candidates of the Final Report.

Excluded applicants may complain about the jury's final report for 15 working days after notification or appeal the jury's decision to the INESC ID Board of Directors for 30 working days after notification.

According to the Portuguese Law, a disabled candidate has a preference when in equal classification, which prevails over any other legal preference. Candidates must declare their respective degree of disability, the type of disability and the means of communication / expression to be used in the selection process, under the law.


Formalisation of applications

Applications are formalised by sending an email to with the documents (in pdf form) stated below. The application email should clearly state the reference of the research contract and project.

● Detailed curriculum vitae

● Motivation letter

● Single copy of official academic degree certificate required in education level

● Proof of enrollment in every degree described in the CV

● A one-pager on how would you develop your role for the benefit of | ELIXIR PT

● Name of two personal references


For candidates with degrees granted by foreign higher education institutions it is mandatory to have a degree or diploma recognition. For more information press here.


Start Date
End Date