Applications are invited for a Master Fellowship in the scope of the project entitled “Increasing Plant data findability and reuse beyond ELIXIR” with the Ref. ELIXIR, funded by ELIXIR.

Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Academic degree: Candidates with a MSc degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biology, Biochemistry, or similar areas.

Other requisites:
- Knowledge of Bioinformatics and acquainted with the potential of 'big data';
- Knowledge of the development of bioinformatics / computational resources;
- Knowledge of analyzing high-throughput sequencing data and data management;
- Experience with computer programming in the context of data analysis, web development and data management (e.g. Python, PHP, SQL);
- Interest in phenotyping, molecular biology and biochemistry of plants;
- Proficiency in spoken and written English;
- Availability to start in January 2022;
- Being enrolled in a PhD, or in a non-academic degree course, in accordance with number 2 of the Article 6th of “Regulamento da Formação Avançada e Qualificação de Recursos Humanos da FCT”, law in force.

Working Plan: The MSc holder work will be aligned with the project plan “Increasing Plant data findability and reuse beyond ELIXIR”.
The first part of the work plan will be (1) to Incorporate the cork oak (Quercus suber) genome on ENA and ENSEMBL plants and (2) the preparation of training materials to improve the accessibility to the developed services and verify their completeness and accessibility for biologists and bioinformaticians.
The workplan will also include data annotation using controlled vocabularies and ontologies, as well as the curation and submission of datasets to predefined databases. This part of the workplan will be performed using data sets produced by the group and using the standards like MIAPPE (Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment).
Contribute to the development of new visual analytics for plant omics and gene network data based on already available tools such as KnetMiner, DiNAR and using cork oak datasets.

Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law number 40/2004, of August 18th, changed and republished by Ordinance 202/2012 of August 27th and changed by Ordinance 233/2012 of October 29th and by Law 12/2013 of January 29th and by Ordinance 89/2013 of July 9th and by the Ordinance 123/2019 of August 28th;
Regulations for Research Fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in force (

Working Place: The work will carried out in the Genomics of Plant Stress Unit (GPlantS) at ITQB NOVA, under the supervision of Doctor Inês Chaves and Doctor Pedro Barros.

Duration of the fellowship: The fellowship will have the duration of six months, eventually renewable, expected to start in January 2022, on a full-time basis, according to according to Fellowship Regulations of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.

Stipend amount: € 1104,64 according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country ( and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.

Selection procedure: The evaluation procedures will be based on the analysis of the candidates´ CV and if needed an interview for the selected candidates may take place. In this case, the curriculum evaluation and the interview will have a weight of 50 % each.

Jury composition: Applications will be evaluated by a jury composed of Doctor Inês Chaves (president), Doctor Pedro Barros and Doctor Daniel Faria; Doctor Nelson Saibo; Doctor Célia Miguel, Professor Doctor Margarida Oliveira will act as substitute members.

Application documents: The application should be formalized in a cover letter indicating the corresponding fellowship reference together with the following documents: detailed Curriculum Vitae, degree certificate. All documents should be preferably sent by email in a single pdf file. If the degree has been conferred by a non-Portuguese higher education institution, the selected candidate must obtain the certificate of the degree recognition, issued by the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, until the signature of the contract. Regarding this issue, please consult the website of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education:

Notification of candidates: All the candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.

Deadlines and procedures for complaints and appeals: If the result is not favorable, the candidates have a period of 10 working days, after the disclosure of the results, to comment, if desired, in a prior hearing of interested parties, in the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.

Applications should be sent by email to:
Doctor Inês Chaves,
Ref. 035/BI/2021




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