A call is open for the attribution of a Master Research Scholarship, within the scope of the Portuguese Biological Data Infrastructure - BioData.pt, financed by the Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciência, under the following conditions:


1. Duration and Type of Contract: The scholarship will last 12 months, foreseen to start in January 2022, on an exclusive basis, under the regulations of the Status of Scientific Research Fellow and the Regulation of Research Fellowships by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, current IP.


2. Job Description: The candidate will perform activities within the scope of the development of competencies of biological data commissioner (Data Steward) in Portuguese research and innovation organizations, carried out by the Portuguese Node of ELIXIR - BioData.pt. The work will be carried out at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, where he/she will assist researchers in research data management policies and practices. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to help define the research data management policy, workflows, and procedures of the institute, which is a pilot in this project. Simultaneously with the aforementioned works, the candidate will receive training for his/her role, and should also contribute to the training of other researchers in the area of ​​data management, namely, through BioData.pt's “Ready for BioData Management?” program.


Detailed Duties:

1. Survey current data management practices among research groups and support services.

2. Implement data management procedures in line with international best practices and ensure that they align with FAIR and Open Science principles.

3. Support researchers in managing research data.

4. Develop support materials for research data management, organization of workshops, and training on the subject.

5. Other tasks, depending on the profile of the successful candidate.


3. Scientific Orientation: BioData.pt, Ana Portugal Melo and Tiago Paixão.


4. Academic Qualification and Selection Criteria:

MSc Degree in Computational Biology, is preferred, or another area within ​​biological and health sciences.

MSc Degree in Exact Sciences, Engineering, or Computer Science, candidates interested in applying their knowledge to Biological and Health Sciences may also be considered.

Good knowledge of spoken and written English (essential for working in an international environment).

The ideal candidate should have:

- Willingness and ability to learn and apply the concepts learned in real-time;

- Excellent communication and relationship skills;

- Experience in the generation, analysis, and management of research data, namely at the level of his master's thesis;

- Familiarity with the concepts of FAIR and Open Science;

- Some experience in database management and design.


5. Applicable Law and Regulations: Status of Scientific Research Fellow, in its actual wording; Regulation of Research Fellowships by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP; Regulation of Research Fellowships by the Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciência (IGC). For more information regarding the changes made to the Status of Scientific Research Fellow by the Decree-Law no 123/2019, please, consult the following website: https://dre.pt/web/guest/home//dre/124256707/details/maximized?res=pt#resumo-claro.


6. Stipend Amount: The fellowship amount corresponds to 1104,64 €, according to the table of values of grants awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in the Country (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores) and payment will be made, monthly, through bank transfer.


7. Application Documents: Motivation Letter, Curriculum Vitae (including contact information for two references), and certificates of qualifications must be sent by email in a single document in pdf format, with the designation “DataSteward.pdf”, to the following address: info@biodata.pt.

All candidates (taxpayers in Portugal) will have to prove that they have fulfilled their obligations to the Tax Authority and Social Security, as a hiring requirement, under penalty of exclusion from the recruitment process.


8. Selection Procedure: The selection procedure to be used will be the following: curricular evaluation and previous experience (60%) and the motivation letter (20%). The 3 best candidates will be called for an interview (20%).


9. Jury Composition:

President: Ana Portugal Melo

Remaining members: Tiago Paixão and Ricardo Leite


10. Notification of the Candidates: All candidates will be informed of the final result by e-mail.


11. Deadlines:  From 03.01.2022 until the position is filled.


12. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: The IGC actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exemption from any duty of reason, including descent, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, illness nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, and trade union membership.


Portuguese version here.





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End Date