⚠️ This is an old version of the BioData.pt website, available for reference purposes. Information is out-of-date and some features may not work correctly. Click here to browse the current website.
⚠️ This is an old version of the BioData.pt website, available for reference purposes. Information is out-of-date and some features may not work correctly. Click here to browse the current website.
website: https://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/
SeagrassTraitDB is a global data base of seagrass traits. It integrates world-wide seagrass trait data in one consistent format. SeagrassTraitDB is based on data sets contributed by seagrass scientists. Plant Traits are any morphological, anatomical, biochemical, physiological or phenological feature measurable at the individual level, from the cell to the whole organism. The individual is considered to lie at the heart of the ecological and evolutionary processes as it is at its level that acclimation and adaptation occur.
Reference: CCMAR/ID/20/2018
The Algarve Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) opens a call for a Junior Researcher (M/F), of any nationality, including stateless candidates. The
indefinite period employment contract will be as part of the EOSC-Life Research and Innovation Action (RIA - INFRAEOSC-04-2018) working on the EOSC Demonstrator Project titled "Marine Eukaryote Genomics Portal - access to tools and data-flows for marine genome annotation in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)."