Semantic web application network that combines a set of algorithms to streamline the creation of new semantic web-based knowledge management systems. In a single package, it provides the tools to create new applications, including advanced integration connectors for different data sources along with ontology mapping techniques


Web application, API and widget for biomedical concept identification. It helps researchers, healthcare professionals and developers in the identification of over 1,200,000 biomedical concepts in text and PubMed


 A semantic web migration tool that is targeted on biomedical domain and can be deployed on top of traditional systems in order to bring knowledge, inference rules, and query federation to the existent data


GTO is a toolkit to unify pipelines in genomic and proteomic research. GTO is a toolkit for genomics and proteomics, namely for FASTQ, FASTA and SEQ formats, with many complementary tools. The toolkit is for Unix-based systems, built for ultra-fast computations. GTO supports pipes for easy integration with the sub-programs belonging to GTO as well as external tools. GTO works as LEGOs, since it allows the construction of multiple pipelines with many combinations


 EAGLE is an alignment-free method and associated program to compute relative absent words (RAW) in genomic sequences using a reference sequence