Hands on DMP
On 2nd July BioData.pt organized a hands-on session focused on demistifying the concept of Data Management Plan (DMP). The session took place at the recently renovated training room of Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC).
The organizers developed a participatory methodology based on the DMP Common Standard Model, where groups of 6 to 8 participants would create their own DMP (based on a fictitious research project, proposed by the organizing team), by filling in a “DMP Canvas”. The process, introduced by an overall presentation framing the value and the steps to create the DMP, was supported continuously by a team of facilitators from BioData.pt.
Fifty-eight researchers and project managers, from 19 institutions, from Minho to Algarve, namely BioData.pt consortium (21), IGC (15), IST-ULisboa (4) and Champalimaud Foundation (3) were involved in this pilot initiative.
Participants were very committed and enthusiastic in response to this challenge. Each group had the opportunity to present and discuss the resulting DMP with a committee of BioData.pt members, chaired by the invited guest Ulrike Wittig, from the Institute of Theoretical Sciences of Heidelberg University.
A bottle of sparkling wine was awarded to the best DMP (see the interview)
Overall, participants and organizers considered this an innovative and successful method to introduce research professionals to data management, particularly to the currently mandatory DMPs.
BioData.pt is available to extend this session to other institutions and geographies and is working in making the used materials available for the community. Furthermore, a next level DMP course is being prepared where institution teams will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Data Stewardship Wizard framework, that allows for the interactive creation of DMPs, and bring their own projects, to create their respective DMPs.
BioData.pt is an infrastructure consortium of 12 institutions:
At the event, we took the opportunity to interview some participants and ask them about their experience with the workshop. We ended up talking with people from differente fields and institutions that occupy very different positions in their groups, and gathered some opinions about the workshop and their take away message at the end of the morning session.
Bellow is a list of everyone who so kindly agreed to talk to us about their experience. Follow the links to read and view the full interviews:
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