Plant phenotyping research has gone through a data revolution with the automation of plant phenotyping platforms, making it critical to adopt good data management practices in order the exploit the torrent of data to its full potential. Concretely, data should be published in a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) way in order to enable the integration of data from disparate sources and the discovery of new knowledge. Yet, this is one of the more challenging domains to standardize, as it is extremely heterogeneous in terms of experimental settings and types of data.

The ELIXIR infrastructure, with prominent contributions from (the Portuguese ELIXIR node) has been tackling this challenge at the European and international level, by developing standards and services to enable the management of plant phenotype-genotype data and its publication in accordance with the FAIR principles.

In this workshop, we will be presenting the outcomes of this work from the ELIXIR plant sciences community, featuring a keynote from one of its key members, Dr. Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon (ELIXIR-France), a detailed tutorial about the design and usage of the MIAPPE (Minimum Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiments), a hands-on data annotation and publication session, and a demonstration of ELIXIR’s Plant Data Search service.

Program - 12th November

14h00: Opening and Welcome  - ITQB direction

14h10: Keynote talk - The ELIXIR infrastructure for plant phenotyping-genotyping data management (Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon, INRA)

15h10: The plant phenotyping data standard MIAPPE v1.1 (Daniel Faria, IGC)

15h40: Demonstration of the Plant Data Search Service (Bruno Costa, iBET)

16h10: Coffee-break

16h40: Hands-on Session - Phenotypic dataset annotation (*)

18h25: Closing

(*) Previous registration and acceptation is required. Please register here.

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Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier
Avenida da República
2775-412 Oeiras

Event Type
Workshops and courses