BioData.pt Talks: 3D BioTalks 2023 | Session 1: Drug design, Artificial Intelligence, Explainability and Deep Learning
BioData.pt Talks bring BioData.pt collaborators and guest experts together with the purpose of sharing their expertise in Bioinformatics and Data Management with the scientific community and other curious citizens.
The 3D BioTalks are online sessions organized by the newly created 3D-BioInfo Community of BioData.pt, in which researchers in the Computational Biology and Structural Biology areas share their scientific activity. These talks are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month.
In this first session of 3D BioTalks of 2023, António Preto Gomes, a Ph.D. student of the Ph.D. Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine at University of Coimbra and MoreiraLAB – Data-Driven Molecular Design Group, presents the talk entitled "Drug design, Artificial Intelligence, Explainability and Deep Learning. How keywords become buzzwords, and how they help shape the near future”.
Researchers, scientists, and other curious citizens.
This online event is free of charge but registration is required for attendance.
URL for registration:
Rua da Quinta Grande, 6
2780-156 Oeiras