⚠️ This is an old version of the BioData.pt website, available for reference purposes. Information is out-of-date and some features may not work correctly. Click here to browse the current website.
⚠️ This is an old version of the BioData.pt website, available for reference purposes. Information is out-of-date and some features may not work correctly. Click here to browse the current website.
A Hackathon on CV to onboard Data Managers & Data Stewards was held remotely last Friday, June 3rd, 2022, co-lead by Ana Portugal Melo, the Executive Director of BioData.pt and Deputy Head of Node of ELIXIR Portugal, togethe
“Ready for BioData Management?: Data Stewardship for Life Sciences Training Program” | DS Lab2 2022
“Ready for BioData Management?: Data Stewardship for Life Sciences Training Program” | DS Lab1 2022
We are proud to announce the 2nd Technical Meeting of BioData.pt Association taking place at University of Minho, on the 2nd of March, from 11h00 to 17h00.
In this meeting we will set the bases for the working of communities and platforms. In addition, we will have an open session, back to back with the Bioinformatics Open Days, dedicated to Open Science.
BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, in collaboration with several other organizations has designed a program to train the first generation of Data Stewards for the life sciences, to support the implementation of data management, o