CorkOakDB article is out!

It is easy to recognize that 2020 was a harsh year in a plethora of ways raising several challenges in the scientific community. Nevertheless, that seemed to become a catalyst for the advancement of cork oak research. This effort was rewarded with the publication of the article “CorkOakDB - The Cork Oak Genome Database Portal” in the DATABASE journal. CorkOakDB


A great kick-start for the Microbiome Community!

It is with great joy that announces the success of the 1st Microbiome PT Summit, an initiative which aimed to gather scientists performing microbiome-related research in Portugal. MicrobiomePT21

Enabling FAIR plant phenotyping data submission through the Breeding API | ELIXIR PT, together with the Belgian, Dutch, and French ELIXIR Nodes, is carrying out a project to develop standardized user-friendly web interfaces to submit MIAPPE-compliant datasets to BrAPI end-points or to repositories which can exchange data with BrAPI end-points.  BrAPI


New ELIXIR Node Services! | ELIXIR-PT is very proud to announce the launch of four new ELIXIR Node Services: D-Cellerate, EvoPPI, Pegi3S, and Ready for BioData Management?. New ELIXIR Node Services

Ready for BioData Management? | DMP Double Course

Ready for BioData Management? hosted a back-to-back online edition of the “Introduction to Data Management Plans” and “Advanced Data Management Plans” courses on the last November 9th and 10th.


BioMentors Club is online!

P-BIO, one of partners, has recently released its BioMentors Club, an initiative aiming to support Portuguese projects or startups related to biotechnology and life sciences.


BioMentors Club